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Vitamin C can ‘help to prevent severe Covid and speed up recovery’

Vitamin C was the subject of the first controlled nutritional experiment in recorded history. It is needed for a plethora of body functions – including for the maintenance of a healthy immune system, bones, teeth and gums.

Interestingly, a recent study has suggested that vitamin C can also help to prevent severe Covid-19 and speed up recovery from infection, with research speculating that intravenous administration may improve the level of oxygen in the blood, reduce inflammation and cut a patient’s hospital stay. The review concluded that control trials and retrospective cohort studies show vitamin C ‘appears to also support positive outcomes in Covid-19 in both inpatient and outpatient settings, leading to a beneficial effect in patients with moderate symptoms’.

It is important to note that none of the trials are ‘definitive’ and all have ‘limitations’, and that a much larger, adequately powered placebo-controlled trial would be required to prove the vitamin C-Covid-19 hypothesis. Nonetheless, this is a fascinating read this week. Link to Article

Study argues iodine supplementation should start pre-pregnancy

Although needed by the body in small amounts, iodine contributes to the normal production of thyroid hormones and regular thyroid function, as well as to normal energy yielding metabolism. Interestingly, a recent article has found that supplementation with iodine should begin pre-pregnancy to ensure healthy thyroid function and foetal neurodevelopment.

The study aimed to determine whether iodine nutrition and the timing of iodine supplement initiation were associated with thyroid function in pregnant and postpartum women. Drawing upon the results, the report stated that the ‘initiation of iodine supplements before conception and continuing through pregnancy was associated with lower concentrations of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and higher concentrations of free thyroxine (fT4) and free triiodothyronine (fT3), which might suggest improved thyroid function’.

Providing further details of the study and its results, this article is a very comprehensive read and demonstrates the importance of this trace element. Link to Article


Zinc supplements ‘may cut how long respiratory infections last’

Zinc is an important mineral that the body uses in countless ways. A new study has found that taking a zinc supplement may cut how long respiratory infections last, whilst also easing the associated symptoms.

Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are infections of parts of the body involved in breathing, affecting the sinuses, throat, airways or lungs and producing symptoms that include coughing, sneezing and a high temperature. The research, based on 28 existing studies, found that compared with placebo, taking zinc could prevent five RTIs in 100 people per month. In the concluding remarks of the study, researchers stated that zinc is a ‘viable ‘natural’ alternative’ for managing RTI symptoms at home. Link to Article

Meta-analyses: Higher vitamin D levels linked to lower COVID-19 rates

Over the course of the pandemic, we have seen multiple headlines that contain the phrases ‘Vitamin D’ and ‘Covid-19’. One of the most recent articles to appear discusses a potential link between higher vitamin D levels and a lower incidence and severity of Covid-19 – drawing upon 13 meta-analyses.

Of note, one meta-analysis indicated that the odds of infection with SARS-CoV-2 increased by 3.3 times in individuals with a vitamin D deficiency, whilst the probability of developing severe stages of Covid-19 is over 5 times higher in those with low levels of the ‘sunshine vitamin’. A majority of the meta-analyses concluded that higher blood levels of vitamin D seemingly correlate with a lower incidence of Covid-19.

As a concluding remark, it is noted that the data ‘does suggest that vitamin D levels may play a role, in combination with other therapies, in strengthening the immune system to resist the virus’. Link to Article

Vitamin B12 supplements: 7 signs of deficiency that can cause ‘severe neurological’ issues

Vitamin B12 is a complex substance containing the mineral cobalt at its centre. Without adequate supplies of this vitamin, red blood cells, nerves, and DNA are negatively affected – with one of the initial warning signs being fatigue. However, as fatigue can be attributed to numerous health conditions, it is conceivable how a nutritional deficiency may be overlooked.

Discussing the symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency, this article references how low levels can also cause balance issues by interfering with brain function. As such, a vitamin B12 deficiency must be addressed at the earliest opportunity to prevent ‘severe neurological problems’. A vitamin B12 supplement is the ideal way to safeguard against a deficiency and bolster body stores, provided that the supplement contains a good level of the vitamin in a form that the body can easily absorb and utilise. Link to Article

Previously In The News

Secrets to radiant skin: Nutritionist reveals the food combinations she eats for a glowing complexion Link to Article

Adapting your lifestyle to your menstrual cycle could ease symptoms – here’s how Link to article

Poor bone health in menopausal women rising, study finds Link to article

Two common drinks to ‘avoid’ directly before taking a popular mineral supplement – NHS Link to article

Vitamin D deficiency: Two signs in the ear signalling a severe lack of sunshine vitamin Link to article

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