Posted by Brighton Chilli Shop on 3rd Apr 2016
Sweet peppers and chillies can be grown in pots on a sunny, warm patio in a similar way to tomatoes, but will produce a better crop when grown in a greenhouse or conservatory. Chillies and peppers are green when young, maturing to a variety of colours and flavour varying from mild to extremely hot.
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Peppers and chillies need a warm, sunny sheltered position and, therefore, are only suitable for outdoor cultivation in milder parts of the country, and benefit greatly from cloche or even fleece protection. They can be grown in frames, unheated polythene tunnels or greenhouses and are also suitable for growing in containers or grow bags filled with multipurpose compost.
They require well-drained, fertile moisture-retentive soil, which is slightly acid. To achieve this, incorporate moderate amounts of well-rotted manure (5.4kg per sq m/10lb per sq yd) into the soil, but avoid using fresh manure, or large quantities as this may lead to lush, leafy growth at the expense of fruit.
Plants will be ready for planting in their permanent position or potting-on when they have reached flowering size, approximately eight weeks after sowing.
Peppers naturally branch into two or more stems with a flower bud at the joint. To encourage side shoots on slow-growing plants, pinch out shoots at 30cm (1ft).
Staking is needed for high yielding plants and those grown in growing bags. Several canes should be used per plant as the stems are brittle.
In mid-February or early April, sow fresh seed for plants that are to be grown under glass, and in late March for peppers to grow outdoors.
If you can’t provide sufficient heat for germination and growing on, young plants can be purchased from garden centres in spring. Grafted seedlings of both chillies and peppers can also be ordered from suppliers for delivery from mid-April and are especially useful where growing conditions are a little cool.
Once seedlings are 5cm (2in) high, transplant them into 9cm (3½in) pots, maintaining high temperatures to encourage growth. They can then be potted on into 10-12.5cm (4-5in) pots, once their roots fill the compost.
Harden off plants for two to three weeks, before planting outside in late May/early June, once all danger of frost has past. Warm outdoor soil with polythene or cloches two weeks before planting out. Cover plants with a layer of fleece to provide wind protection, preferably till end of June.
‘Ariane’ F1 AGM: Early-cropping, bell-shaped fruits ripening to orange.
‘Artis’ F1 AGM: Fruits are horn shape and fleshy, ripening to deep red. Produces a heavy crop.
‘Friggitello’ AGM: A productive plant with small, pointed, red fruits which are suitable in stir-fry and pickling.
‘Gypsy’ F1 AGM: An old favourite with a high yield of long, blocky, bright-red fruit.
‘Redskin’ F1 AGM: High yield of small to medium blocky, glossy-red fruit, borne on compact plants which are suitable for growing in pots.
‘Apache’ AGM: Does well in pots and produces a large crop of small, juicy, hot peppers.
‘Caribbean Antillais’ AGM:
Small, blocky, aromatic, red fruits that are very hot and suitable for
South American and Caribbean cooking. Best sown in January with higher
temperatures to improve germination.
‘Demon Red’ AGM: An abundant crop of upward pointing, bright-red fruit that are hot and used in Thai cooking.
‘Fiesta’ AGM:
A highly ornamental plant covered in jewel-like, small, conical fruits
that ripen through purple, yellow, orange to bright red. A spice type
and the fruits are hot to very hot.
‘Habanero’ AGM:
Very hot, blocky, orange fruit borne on compact plants suitable for
growing in pots. Best sown in January as a later-cropping cultivar.
Peppers and chillies are commonly attached by aphids, red spider mites and whitefly in cold frames and greenhouses but biological control can be effective.
Botrytis (grey mould) can occur on stems, petioles and fruits in cool, wet weather, but quick removal of diseased material and increasing air circulation reduces damage. Soil-borne disease such as verticillium wilt and sclerotinia can be an issue, so grow on a fresh site or in growing bags.
We have just donated half a kg of chillies to the The Real Junk Food Project BrightonIf you have food that has past its best, don't throught it in the bin, give it to these artists to feed the world.LET’S REALLY FEED THE WORLD!The Real Junk Food Project Brighton is part of the Real Junk [...]
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Here is a simple yet delicious Great Fire Balls recepie. You can choose any chilli you like for this recepie, it doesn't have to be Habanero. Chill