Posted by Brighton Chilli Shop on 6th Oct 2015
About this recipe:
Delicious and comforting
tortilla wraps filled with chicken, chorizo and corn filling with a
tomato, cheese and sour cream topping and baked. Serve with chilli
kidney bean rice or buttered jacket potato and salad.
Any leftover chicken mixture is nice eaten cold in a baguette
with lettuce or stirred through cold rice for a nice cold rice salad.
Serves: 2
Prep:20min ›
Cook:40min ›
Ready in:1hr
Use for leftovers
Champion’s BreakfastHere is a quick breakfast recipe that will support a champion all day.Ingredients:Corn TortillasChipotle Chilli PowderEggsMexican OreganoTomatoesLettuce or Cucumber (diced)CheeseAvocado Oil/Olive OilTake as many tortillas as you think you need, four usually will do for most people.Spread shredded cheese on them like in a mini pizza. Then sprinkle them with chipotle chilli powder before putting them [...]