Posted by Brighton Chilli Shop on 3rd Jan 2017
Curry powder is usually a mixture of turmeric, chilli powder, ground coriander, ground cumin, ground ginger and pepper, and can be bought in mild, medium or hot strengths. It is thought to be a British invention – the Brits probably took some Indian spice mixtures home with them hoping to recreate the dishes they had enjoyed in India. Indian cooks don’t use a single spice mixture to flavour all of their dishes. Instead, they mix various spices into a paste called a 'masala', which varies from dish to dish and region to region.
"What exactly is a curry?The word curry was invented by British colonialists in the 18th century. Most likely a bastardization of the Indian word kari (meaning sauce), it refers to a number of saucy dishes flavored with curry powder or curry paste. [...]